1 Samuel 11

I. Saul defeats the Ammonites. Vs. 1-11

    A. Nahash the Ammonite threatened to take out the right eyes of all the people of Jabesh. Vs. 1-2

    B. The elders of Jabesh sent messengers asking for help in fighting the Ammonites. Vs. 3-4

    C. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul, and he became angry. Vs. 5-6

    D. Saul threatened the people. If they did go with him to war, all their oxen would be destroyed by him. Vs. 7

    E. 300,000 men of Israel and 30,000 men of Judah went with Saul. Vs. 8

    F. Saul divided his army up into three companies and defeated the Ammonites. Vs. 9-11

II. Saul confirmed as king at Gilgal. Vs. 12-15

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