Matthew 12

I. Jesus teaches the truth about the Sabbath. Matthew 12:1-8

    A. The disciples pluck the ears of corn and ate, on the Sabbath, because they were hungry.

    B. The Pharisees accused the disciples of breaking the Sabbath.

    C. Jesus gave two examples of the ox in the ditch on the Sabbath.

    D. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath day.

II. The withered hand healed on the Sabbath. Matthew 12:9-13

    A. They wanted to accuse Jesus by asking the question: “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath days?” Matthew 12:10-12

       1. Jesus answered with a question about getting a sheep out of a pit on the Sabbath days.

       2. Jesus answers with a second question: “How much then is a man better than a sheep?”

       3. The answer Jesus gave to their question: “It is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.”

    B. Jesus heals the withered hand.

III. The Pharisees plot how they might kill Jesus. Matthew 12:14

IV. Jesus shows the multitude that He is the chosen servant. Matthew 12:15-21

    A. By healing them all.

    B. By quoting Isaiah 42:1-4. Matthew 12:17-21

    C. That the Jews would reject him and the Gentiles would accept Him.

V. Healing of a blind, dumb and demoniac person. Matthew 12:22-23 [Luke 11:14]

VI. The Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out devils by the power of Satan. Matthew 12:24-30 [Mark 3:22-27; Luke 11:14-15]

    A. A kingdom, city or house divided cannot stand. Matthew 12:25-27

    B. If Jesus cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come. Matthew 12:28

    C. To overcome Satan, you must bind him. Matthew 12:29

    D. You are either with Jesus or against Him, no neutrality. Matthew 12:30

VII. The Unpardonable Sin. Matthew 12:31-32 [Mark 3:28-30]

    A. The works of the Holy Ghost. John 16:7-13

       1. Only the Holy Ghost can convict people of their sins. John 16:8-11

          a. Once a person is convicted, then it is that person’s choice to repent and ask for forgiveness or not.

          b. The Holy Ghost uses Christians, the Bible, nature and various means to convict people of their sins.

          c. Christians, the Bible, nature and other means will not convict anyone unless the Holy Ghost uses them.

    B. What is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost?

       1. To blaspheme is a knowing, willful and deliberate act of declaring a miraculous act of the Holy Ghost to be that of Satan.

       2. A person cannot accidentally blaspheme the Holy Ghost.

       3. Committing sins against the Holy Ghost such as grieving, vexing, quenching, and rejecting is not blasphemy.

    C. What happens when a person sins or blasphemes against God or Jesus?

       1. The Holy Ghost brings about conviction in order for them to repent if they want to.

    D. What happens when a person blasphemes against the Holy Ghost?

       1. Blaspheming the Holy Ghost offers no prospect of forgiveness because the person who

      blasphemes has deliberately cut himself off from the Holy Ghost.

       2. Therefore that person will never be convicted of their sin now or in the future.

    E. Who can commit the unpardonable sin?

       1. A Christian cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost.

       2. Only a lost person who has the knowledge and understands the work of the Holy Trinity would recognize

       a miraculous act as that of the Holy Ghost and would declare that it was the work of Satan.

       3. Anyone who has moments of convictions of their sins has never blasphemed the Holy Ghost.

VIII. Your words reveal what is in your heart (mind). Matthew 12:33-37

    A. A tree is known by its fruit. Matthew 12:33

    B. You will speak of that which is in your heart (mind) good or bad. Matthew 12:34-35

    C. You will answer to God for each word you have spoken. Matthew 12:36

    D. By your words (not works) you are justified and by your words (not works) you are condemned. Matthew 12:37

IX. The sign of Jonah. Matthew 12:38-42 [Luke 11:16, 24-32]

    A. This is the only sign for salvation.

    B. Jonah was three days and nights in the whale’s belly.

    C. Jesus would be three days and nights in the tomb and rose on the third day.

X. An unclean spirit can return. Matthew 12:43-45

       A. When an unclean spirit is removed from your life, you need to fill it with the things of God

       or the last state of your life will be worse than before the unclean spirit was removed.

       B. How many spirits can a person have at one time? Mark 16:9; Luke 8:30

XI. The spiritual family of Jesus. Matthew 12:46-50 [Mark 3:32-35; Luke 8:19-21]

       A. Those who do the will of God are the spiritual family of Jesus.

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