Acts 19

I. Apollos leaves Ephesus and goes to Corinth. Vs. 1

II. Paul goes to Ephesus. Vs. 1-41

    A. Paul finds a new church. Vs. 1-7

       1. Have you received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? Vs. 2

       2. They never heard about the Holy ghost. Vs. 2

       3. What baptism did you have? Vs. 3

       4. They had John’s Baptism. Vs. 3

          a) Baptism identifies a believer with a taching. Vs. 4

       5. They were re-baptized. Vs. 5

       6. Paul laid his hand upon them and they received the Holy Ghost. Vs. 6

       7. There were 12 men in this new church. Vs. 7

    B. Paul taught three months in the Synagogue. Vs. 8

    C. Paul teaches for two years in the school of Tyrannus. Vs. 9-12

    D. Conflict of the seven sons of Sceva with the evil spirits. Vs. 13-17

    E. Book burning by the believers. Vs. 18-20

    F. Paul made plans to go to Macedonia, Achaia, Jerusalem and Rome. Vs. 21

    G. Paul sends Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia, but he stays in Asia. Vs. 22-23

    H. Demetrius causes trouble at Ephesus. Vs. 24-41

       1. Demetrius, a silversmith, accused Paul and his team of preaching against the goddess Diana. Vs. 24-28

       2. Demetrius stirred up a crowd against Gaius and Aristarchus and took them to the theater. Vs. 29

       3. The disciples and others kept Paul from going to the theater. Vs. 30-31

       4. After two hours in the theater, the townclerk calmed the angry crowd and dismissed the assembly. Vs. 32-41

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