Jerry and Jackie have been married since 1955.

Jerry L. Wells was born on November 3, 1935, in Luling Texas.  I was born again in 1944 when I prayed and asked God to forgive me and save me by the blood of Jesus Christ.  I was baptized and became a member of First Baptist Church, Luling, Texas.

Graduated from Luling High School in 1954. Attended Southwestern University in San Marcos, Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma University in Weatherford, Oklahoma.

In 1952 I was licensed to preach and in 1958 I was ordained to the gospel ministry  by the First Baptist Church, Luling, Texas.

In 1955 I married Joyce (Jackie) Hasserodt in Gonzales, Texas. We have four married children, wonderful grandchildren and great grandchildren. I served in the U.S. Navy 1954 - 1958.

Churches I pastored:

1958-60  Mineral Springs Baptist Church, Luling, Texas.  2 years.

1960-64  First Baptist Church, Sweetwater, Oklahoma.  4 years.

1964-66  Immanuel Baptist Church, Weatherford, Oklahoma. 2 years.

1966-68  Calvary Baptist Tabernacle, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  1 1/2 years.

1968-77  Trinity Baptist Church, Ada, Oklahoma. 9 1/2 years.

1977-82  Madison Baptist Church, Ft. Madison, Iowa.  4 1/2 years.

1982-91  First Baptist Church, Hodgen, Oklahoma.  9 1/2 years.

1991- 2004  First Baptist Church, Wynnewood, Oklahoma.  13 years.

2005- Present Date:  - Internet Missionary


I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.  I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of believers and in the premillennial return of Jesus and His reign.  I believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.

Miscellaneous Information:

I attended the Jerusalem Conference of Biblical Prophecy in Israel in 1971.  In 1981 I returned to Israel for a privite extensive study of the land in relation to Biblical prophecy.  I preach Prophecy Revivals and Bible Conferences.  

Copyright (c) 2011 by Jerry L. Wells, Internet Missionary

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