
Introduction 5

There are three vails that serve as doors.  Each vail is made of 4 colors: 1. Blue, 2. Purple, 3. Scarlet, and 4. White, all symbolic of Jesus.  

The first vail is at the only entrance to the court-Jesus the way-(the way to sacrifice and cleansing).  

The second vail is the only entrance to the Tabernacle tent and boards - Jesus the truth -(the truth about the candlestick, shewbread table, the altar of incense, and the Holy Place).  

The third vail is the only entrance to the inner room of the boards-Jesus the life-(eternal life in the Holy of Holies).  

Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

In the first room, the Holy Place, is the seven lamp candlestick (Jesus as the light of the world), the table of shewbread (Jesus as the bread of life), and the altar of incense (Jesus as our intercessor).

In the second room behind the inner vail is the Holy of Holies with the Ark (a coffin, symbolic of the death of Jesus).

5 of 6 Pages







Copyright (c) 2000 By Jerry L. Wells