1. A Cloud of Witnesses 5-27-18 [Sermon Video]

2. A Mother of Great Faith [Sermon Video]

3. Arise, Shine 10-15-17 [Sermon Video] 4. At the Cross 7-15-18 [Sermon Video]


5. Battle of Armageddon 7-23-17

7. Be Strong in Christmas Faith 12-17-17

6. Behave in Church 1-15-17

7. Be Strong in Christmas Faith 12-17-17

8. Beware 3-18-18

9. Blessed Hope

10. Budding Fig Tree -Stamps 5-21-17


11.Calling Evil Good

12. Check List of Prophecy

13. Child of God 10-1-17

14. Christmas Message

15. Come and Dine 7-22-18

16. Conditional Promises


17. During COVID 19 What can we do to help?


18. End of the World 8-27-17

19. Eternal Redemption Hebrews 9:11-12

20. Every Man in his place

21. Evil World


22. Faith without works

23. Fathers House 3-5-17

24. Feast of Atonement Mystery

25. Feast of Pentecost Mystery

26. Feast of Tabernacle Mystery 6-12-16

27. Feast of Trumpets Mystery

28. Feeding the five thousand

29. Fill my cup 8-26-18

30. First Miracle Changing water to wine

31. Follow the Star


32. Gates of Hell 3-26-17

33. God is in control

34. God uses Israel to destroy Russia 5-28-17

35. Grace Greater than our Sins 7-8-18


36. Heavenly Father 6-1 7-18

37. Help from the Sanctuary 9-9-18

38. Hidden Riches

39. House Broken Up. Hebrews 24:40-51

40. How Bad is it?

41. How Great Thou Art 7-15-18


42. I would Rather Have Jesus

43. I am not Afraid 4-1-18

44. In Everything Give Thanks

45. Israel at War 2023

46. It is Well 8-19-18

47. It is Your Choice

48. It will be Done


49. Jesus Son of David and Abraham 12-4-18

50. Jesus Son of Man and Son of God 12-18-16


51. Kingdoms Mystery

52. Know the Mysteries Matthew 13:11


53. Let Not

54. Life-Line 10-16-17

55. Lively Hope 9-24-17


56. Madness of Sin

57. Millennium Lost People 8-13-17

58. Millennium Part I Clean up time

59. Millennium Part II

60. Much More Romans 5:6-11, 6-10-18

61. Mystery Believers Resurrection Part B

62. Mystery Believers Resurrection Part C

63. Mystery Believers Resurrection Part A

64. Mystery of Israel 11-12-17

65. Mystery of Christ in You

66. Mystery of the Will of God 2-18-18

67. Mystery of Iniquity

68. Mystery of the Church 1-7-18

69. Mystery of the Faith 3-11-18

70. Mystery of the Gospel

71. Mystery of the Holy Trinity

72. Mystery of the Two Gates 11-19-17

73. Mystery of the Woman


74. New Earth 9-3-17

75. New Man

76. No End

77. No Peace 7-1-18

78. Nothing but the Blood 3-4-19


79. Open Our Eyes


80. Power of His Resurrection

81. Prophecies of the Last Days 5-7-17

82. Prophecy of the Feasts 4-7

83. Prophecy of the first three Feasts 4-16-17

84. Prophecy of the Second Coming of Christ 7-2-17


85. Rebuilding the Temple 6-4-17

86. Redeemed 8-5-18

87. Rejoice 3-3-17

88. Russia Invading Israel


89. Second Coming and the Lost 2-5-17

90. Seeing God

91. Seventh Day

92. Shall Not 10-23-16

93. Shall Not of Comfort

94. Shield of Faith 3-12-17

95. Show me Thy Ways 6-3-18

96. Some of You

97. Spirit of Prophecy 9-10-17


98. Take the Mountain (David Wells preaching)

99. Tempting Christ 10-8-17

100. The Love of a Father

101. The Prophets would like to see what you see

102. The Rapture and the Lost 1-29-17

103. The Rock 8-12-18

104. Things to do in the New Year

105. Things will get Worse

106. This is the Day

107. Troubled on Every Side 1-1-17

108. Turn your Eyes upon Jesus

109. Two Good Olive Trees 6-18-17

110. Two Olive Trees 6-11-17

111. Two types of sins 7-29-18


112. Until Then James 5:7-9

113. Upsetting Jesus


114. Valley of Dry Bones 5-14-17

115. Victory in Jesus 4-29-18


116. Wake Up

117. War a Good Warfare

118. We have the Power

119. What about Now?

120. Who is John the Baptist?

121. Who is your guide?

122. Why is the Bible Important?

123. Why Three Crosses?

124.With or Against 5-6-18

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 Copyright (c) 2024 by Jerry L. Wells