1. A Cloud of Witnesses 5-27-18 [Sermon Video]
2. A Mother of Great Faith [Sermon Video]
3. Arise, Shine 10-15-17 [Sermon Video]
4. At the Cross 7-15-18 [Sermon Video]
5. Battle of Armageddon 7-23-17
7. Be Strong in Christmas Faith 12-17-17
6. Behave in Church 1-15-17
7. Be Strong in Christmas Faith 12-17-17
8. Beware 3-18-18
9. Blessed Hope
10. Budding Fig Tree -Stamps 5-21-17
11.Calling Evil Good
12. Check List of Prophecy
13. Child of God 10-1-17
14. Christmas Message
15. Come and Dine 7-22-18
16. Conditional Promises
17. During COVID 19 What can we do to help?
18. End of the World 8-27-17
19. Eternal Redemption Hebrews 9:11-12
20. Every Man in his place
21. Evil World
22. Faith without works
23. Fathers House 3-5-17
24. Feast of Atonement Mystery
25. Feast of Pentecost Mystery
26. Feast of Tabernacle Mystery 6-12-16
27. Feast of Trumpets Mystery
28. Feeding the five thousand
29. Fill my cup 8-26-18
30. First Miracle Changing water to wine
31. Follow the Star
32. Gates of Hell 3-26-17
33. God is in control
34. God uses Israel to destroy Russia 5-28-17
35. Grace Greater than our Sins 7-8-18
36. Heavenly Father 6-1 7-18
37. Help from the Sanctuary 9-9-18
38. Hidden Riches
39. House Broken Up. Hebrews 24:40-51
40. How Bad is it?
41. How Great Thou Art 7-15-18
42. I would Rather Have Jesus
43. I am not Afraid 4-1-18
44. In Everything Give Thanks
45. Israel at War 2023
46. It is Well 8-19-18
47. It is Your Choice
48. It will be Done
49. Jesus Son of David and Abraham 12-4-18
50. Jesus Son of Man and Son of God 12-18-16
51. Kingdoms Mystery
52. Know the Mysteries Matthew 13:11
53. Let Not
54. Life-Line 10-16-17
55. Lively Hope 9-24-17
56. Madness of Sin
57. Millennium Lost People 8-13-17
58. Millennium Part I Clean up time
59. Millennium Part II
60. Much More Romans 5:6-11, 6-10-18
61. Mystery Believers Resurrection Part B
62. Mystery Believers Resurrection Part C
63. Mystery Believers Resurrection Part A
64. Mystery of Israel 11-12-17
65. Mystery of Christ in You
66. Mystery of the Will of God 2-18-18
67. Mystery of Iniquity
68. Mystery of the Church 1-7-18
69. Mystery of the Faith 3-11-18
70. Mystery of the Gospel
71. Mystery of the Holy Trinity