
Genesis 41

Romans 8:28

I. Pharaoh’s dreams. Vs. 1-8

    A. Two years after the chief butler was released from prison. Vs. 1

    B. Pharaoh had a dream. Vs. 1-4

       1. Out of the river came seven fat kine (cows or hippopotamuses), and they fed in a meadow. Vs. 2

       2. There followed seven lean kine that stood by the fat kine. Vs. 3

       3. The seven lean kine ate the seven fat kine. Vs. 4

    C. Pharaoh had another dream. Vs. 5-7

       1. Seven good ears of corn came up upon one stalk. Vs. 5

       2. Seven bad ears of corn came up and devoured the seven good ears of corn. Vs. 6-7

    D. No one could interpret the dream for Pharaoh. Vs. 8

II. The chief butler tells Pharaoh about Joseph. Vs. 9-13

    A. The chief butler tells about his and the baker’s dream while in prison. Vs. 9-11

    B. Joseph interpreted their dreams, and each came true. Vs. 12-13

III. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams. Vs. 14-36

    A. Joseph is taken out of prison and brought before Pharaoh. Vs. 14

    B. Pharaoh tells Joseph his dreams. Vs. 15-24

    C. Joseph tells Pharaoh that the two dreams are one. Vs. 25

    D. The seven fat kine and the seven good ears of corn are seven years of great plenty in the land of Egypt. Vs. 26, 29

    E. The seven thin kine and the seven bad ears of corn are seven years of famine. Vs. 27, 30

    F. This is established by God, because the dream was doubled. Vs. 32

    G. Joseph advises Pharaoh to use the seven good years to prepare for the seven years of famine. Vs. 34-36

IV. Joseph made ruler over Egypt. Vs. 37-46

    A. Pharaoh made Joseph to rule over Egypt. Vs. 37-41

    B. Joseph would have absolute authority. Vs. 42-44

    C. By naming Joseph, Zaphnathpaaneah, he would rule Egypt as an Egyptian and not as an Hebrew. Vs. 45

    D. Zaphnathpaaneh means “The salvation of the world”.

    E. Joseph was 30 years old. Vs. 46

V. Seven plenteous years in Egypt. Vs. 47-49

    A. Joseph had food and grain stored.

VI. Joseph’s two sons. Vs. 50-52

    A. Manasseh means “causing to forget”. vs. 51

    B. Ephraim means “I shall be doubly fruitful”. Vs. 52

VII. Seven years of famine. Vs. 53-57

    A. “And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because that the famine was so sore in all lands.” Vs. 57

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