Matthew 18

I. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven? Matthew 18:1-4

    A. Those that humble themselves as a small child.

II. Warnings against offending children. Matthew 18:5-6

III. Warnings against temptations of sin. Matthew 18:7-9

    A. It is better to get rid of anything that will temp you than to be in hell.

IV. Guarding angels over children. Matthew 18:10

V. The lost sheep. Matthew 18:11-14

    A. Jesus came to save that which was lost. Matthew 18:11

    B. As a person would look for a lost sheep until he found it, we must look for a lost person. Matthew 18:12-13

    C. It is God’s will that all be saved. Matthew 18:14

VI. Church discipline. Matthew 18:15-17

    A. First, by your self, try to settle the problem, if not.

    B. Second, take one or two witnessed and try to settle the problem if not.

    C. Third, take it to he church and try to settle the problem.

    D. If that does not work then consider him as an heathen.

VII. Power of united prayer. Matthew 18:18-20

VIII. Unlimited Forgiveness. Matthew 18:21-22

IX. The unmerciful servant. Matthew 18:23-35

    A. You are to forgive by grace as you are forgiven by God’s grace.

    B. If you do forgive by grace, then God will not forgive you.

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