Acts 23

I. Paul’s defense before the council. Vs. 1-9

    A. Paul began to speak and Ananias, the high priest, had someone to hit Paul in the mouth. Vs. 1-2

    B. Paul condemned the high priest. Vs. 3-5

    C. Paul realized that in the council were Sadducees and Pharisees. Vs. 6-9

       1. Paul identified himself as a Pharisee and caused a division in the council. Vs. 6-7

       2. The Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection, or angels or spirit. Vs. 8

       3. The Pharisees believed in angels, spirit and a resurrection. Vs. 8

       4. The Pharisees would not condemn Paul. Vs. 9

II. The Roman soldiers take Paul back to the castle. Vs. 10

III. That night Jesus stood by Paul and told him that he would witness in Rome. Vs. 11

IV. The Jews vow to kill Paul. Vs. 12-15

V. Paul’s nephew heard of the plot to kill Paul. Vs. 16-22

    A. He tells Paul of the plot to kill him. Vs. 16

    B. Paul has him sent to chief captain. Vs. 17-18

    C. He told the chief captain of the plot to kill Paul. Vs. 19-22

VI. Paul is sent to Felix the Governor. Vs. 23-35

    A. The chief captain sends Roman soldiers with Paul as he goes to Caesarea. Vs. 23-24

       1. 200 Soldiers.

       2. 70 Horsemen

       3. 200 Spearmen

       4. A total of 470 soldiers to protect one man, Paul.

    B. Claudius Lysias sent a letter to governor Felix about Paul. Vs. 25-35

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