Acts 24

I. Tertullus makes charges against Paul before Felix the governor. Vs. 1-9

    A. The high priest had Tertullus, an orator, to accuse Paul before Felix. Vs. 1

    B. Tertullus praised Felix. Vs. 2-3

    C. Tertullus accused Paul: Vs. 4-5

       1. as a pestilent man.

       2. as a mover of sedition among the Jews.

       3. as a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes, followers of Jesus of Nazareth.

       4. as a profaner of the temple.

    D. Tertullus indicated they wanted to judge Paul by their law. Vs. 6

    E. Chief captain Lysias had taken Paul and commanded his accusers to come before Felix. Vs. 7-9

II. Paul’s defense before Felix. Vs. 10-21

    A. Felix gave Paul permission to speak. Vs. 10

    B. Paul acknowledges Felix as a good judge. Vs. 10

    C. Paul states that he went to Jerusalem to worship. Vs.11

    D. Paul did not teach in the temple, synagogues, or in the city. Vs. 12

    E. Paul is a worshiper of God and believes the law and prophets. Vs. 14

    F. Paul has hope in the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. Vs. 15

    G. Paul explains that Jews from Asia found him, by himself, in the temple and accused him of breaking the Law of Moses. Vs. 16-18 (Acts 21:27-30)

       1. Paul believed they should have been there to accuse him. Vs. 19

    H. Paul states why he is called into question. Vs. 21

       1. Because he taught that Jesus was raised from the dead.

III. Felix deferred Paul’s case. Vs. 22-23

    A. Felix had a good knowledge of what Paul was teaching. Vs. 22

    B. Felix wanted to hear what the chief captain Lysias had to say. Vs. 22

    C. Felix commanded a centurion to keep Paul. Vs. 23

       1. Paul could have visitors at any time to help him or listen to him.

IV. Felix and his wife Drusilla had Paul to tell them of the faith in Christ. Vs. 24-25

    A. Paul spoke of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come. Vs. 25

    B. Felix trembled at what Paul said and told Paul “Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Vs. 25

V. Felix kept Paul in prison for two years. Vs. 26-27

    A. Felix hoped that Paul would give him some money and he would let him go. Vs. 26

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